Hi 👋,
I'am Gagan Chandan
Full-Stack Developer
I'am Gagan Chandan
Quick learner and an aspiring full-stack web developer with core knowledge of MERN stack technology. Looking forward to applying and enhancing my skills and knowledge as a developer.
Drop a mail @ victor20sara20@gmail.com
Front-end Skills
Back-end Skills
Buzzy convert speech to text and post it to slack through slack bot
A collaborative project, built in 2 days by a team of 3 developers
HTML | CSS | React | Redux | JavaScript | Chackra UI | MongoDB | Mongoose | Express | NodeJS | Git
Tracking time is an intuitive Time Tracking Software.
A collaborative project built by a team of 5, executed in 4 days.
HTML | CSS | React | Redux | JavaScript | Chackra UI | MongoDB | Mongoose | Express | NodeJS | Git
Spoidy notes is a full stack notes web application where you can add notes, edit notes, and also delete the
specific note
A individuial full-stack web application built in 3 days
HTML | CSS | Javascript | Git | React | Redux | ChakraUI | NodeJS | MongoDB | Express